Ubezpieczenie Samochodu

Are you looking for cheap motor insurance in Warsaw? Our office offers the best insurance for passenger cars, motorcycles, delivery vans, agricultural machinery and many other types of vehicles on the market. In addition to the obligatory driver’s liability insurance (civil liability), we also offer AC insurance (autocasco), autoassistance, green card and accident insurance.

Contact the Insurance Office in Warsaw for an individual calculation of the motor insurance premium. Call us at 797-857-157, visit us in person, or fill out a short form. Gwarantujemy, że znajdziesz optymalne ubezpieczenie dla swojego samochodu!

Ubezpieczenia pojazdów dla firm i osób prywatnych w Warszawie

For more than 20 years we offer our customers from Warsaw and the surrounding area comprehensive liability insurance and AC , communications , property , life , tourist , agricultural , financial , professional , and others. We provide services to individuals, groups of people, companies and institutions.

Oferujemy ubezpieczenia dla największych i najbardziej wiarygodnych firm, takich jak Uniqa , Warta , InterRisk , Polisa Życie , TUW "TUW" , INTER Polska , Generali , Proama , Liberty Direct , Compensa , Axa , Hestia i MTU .

We cordially invite you to contact our Insurance Agency in Warsaw at ul. Wojciechowska 5a / 14a – we guarantee the lowest policy prices, friendly service and an individual approach to each client.

Biuro Ubezpieczeń w Warszawie
ul. Wojciechowska 5a / 14a, 20-704 Warsaw
Tel. (81) 536-72-60 • 502-235-421


Opinii klientów

Over the 23 years of operation, over 5,000,000 residents of Warsaw and the surrounding area have trusted us. We insure many of them from the very beginning of our company's existence. Contact us and join the group of satisfied customers!

Poproś o bezpłatną ubezpieczenia samochodów ubezpieczenia 
Wypełnij krótki formularz i obliczamy dla ciebie indywidualną nagrodę za ubezpieczenie samochodu. Nasz specjalista skontaktuje się z tobą jak najszybciej, aby zapewnić państwu szczegółowe rozliczenie polisy.

Dane kontaktowe:

Czy masz jakieś pytania? Napisz do nas
I declare that by sending a message, at the same time, I consent to the processing of my personal data for the purposes of calculating the insurance offer, obtaining a response to the inquiry and conducting further contact from the Guard Insurance Office, and thus accept the Privacy Policy .